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Weapons are the main way Helldivers deal with their Enemies.pngEnemies. Each Helldiver carries a Primary Weapon, Secondary Weapon and a Grenade. Its also possible to equip a Support weapon through calling it in using Super Earth Flag.pngStratagems or finding one on the battlefied. Its also possible to pick up Primary weapons that are on the ground, which are left behind defeated teammates.

Weapons Mechanics[edit | edit source]

Most of the weapons have additional fire modes that can be selected by holding down R and clicking left mouse button.

When helldiver attacks enemies they will get hitmarkers that will show how effective their attacks are:

  • Red Hitmarker - Weapons are enough penetration to ignore armor part and deal 100% Weapon Damage.
  • White Hitmarker - Weapons do not have enough penetration to ignore armor part but still deal damage (Dealing 40-50% damage).
  • Shield Deflect Hitmarker - Weapons do not penetrate armor and deflect, dealing very low/no damage (needs testing).

There are additional mechanics at play that will adjust helldivers damage:

  • Explosive Damage does 100% to the sacks and big unprotected parts of the enemies, when other weapons are dealing about 10% damage on them.
  • Fire damage penetrates armor.

Primary Weapons[edit | edit source]

Primary Weapons in Helldivers 2 are your way of getting rid of Super Earth enemies. They usually come with a lot of magazines and last long enough to fight between the supply drops. Variety of Fighting styles depending on the weapon will allow Helldvier squads to have different combat tactics and team compositions.

Helldivers 2 Primary Weapons list
Image Name Type Damage Capacity Recoil Fire Rate Traits
AR-23 Liberator.png AR-23 Liberator Assault Rifle 55 45 15 640 Light Armor Penetrating
AR-23P Liberator Penetrator.png AR-23P Liberator Penetrator Assault Rifle 45 30 19 640 Medium Armor Penetrating
AR-23C Liberator Concussive Assault Rifle 55 30 28 320 Light Armor Penetrating
R-63 Diligence.png R-63 Diligence Marksman Rifle 112 20 35 350 Light Armor Penetrating
R-63CS Diligence Counter Sniper Marksman Rifle 128 15 53 350 Light Armor Penetrating
SG-8 Punisher.png SG-8 Punisher Shotgun 405 16 120 80 Light Armor Penetrating
Rounds Reload
SG-225 Breaker.png SG-225 Breaker Shotgun 330 13 55 300 Light Armor Penetrating
SG-8S Slugger.png SG-8S Slugger Shotgun 280 16 120 80 Light Armor Penetrating
Rounds Reload
SG-225SP Breaker Spray & Pray.png SG-225SP Breaker Spray & Pray Shotgun 192 26 45 330 Light Armor Penetrating
SG-225IE Breaker Incendiary Shotgun 180 25 28 300 Light Armor Penetrating
SG-8P Punisher Plasma Shotgun 100 8 110 80 Explosive
ARC-12 Blitzer Shotgun 250 - 60 30 Light Armor Penetrating
SMG-37 Defender.png SMG-32 Defender Submachine Gun 70 45 10 520 Light Armor Penetrating
One Handed
MP-98 Knight Submachine Gun 50 50 20 1380 Light Armor Penetrating
One Handed
LAS-5 Scythe.png LAS-5 Scythe Energy-Based 300/sec 8 1 - Light Armor Penetrating
LAS-16 Sickle Energy-Based 55 9 2 750 Light Armor Penetrating
PLAS-1 Scorcher.png PLAS-1 Scorcher Energy-Based 100 15 20 250 Light Armor Penetrating
JAR-5 Dominator 200 15 75 250 Medium Armor Penetrating

Secondary Weapons[edit | edit source]

If Helldiver run out of ammo on their primary weapon the only way to fight back will be a Secondary weapon.

Helldivers 2 Secondary Weapons list
Image Name Damage Capacity Recoil Fire Rate Traits
P-2 Peacemaker.png P-2 Peacemaker 60 15 23 900 Light Armor Penetrating
One Handed
P-19 Redeemer.png P-19 Redeemer 60 31 11 1100 Light Armor Penetrating
One Handed
P-4 Senator 150 6 43 200 Light Armor Penetrating
One Handed
Rounds Reload
LAS-7 Dagger 150/sec 5 1 - Light Armor Penetrating
One Handed

Grenades[edit | edit source]

Grenades allow Helldivers to get rid of enemy groups with ease, fight off tougher and armored enemies and destroy enemy Bug Holes and Factories. Variety of Grenades will allow to adjust their use to specific situations and playstyle.

Helldivers 2 Grenades Weapons list
Image Name Damage Penetration Outer Radius Fuse Time Traits
G-6 Frag.png G-6 Frag 250 3 8 2.4s
G-12 High Explosive.png G-12 High Explosive 400 4 7 3.5s
G-16 Impact.png G-16 Impact 400 4 7 0.0s
G-10 Incendiary 150 3 7 2.9s Incendiary
G-3 Smoke.png G-3 Smoke 0 0 5 2.4s
G-23 Stun 0 6 10 1.8s

Support Weapons[edit | edit source]

Support Weapons in Helldivers 2 is a heavy weaponry that is available through use of Super Earth Flag.pngStratagems. It have a call in cooldown, but most of the time is the most powerful handheld weaponry available in Helldivers 2. Moreover it can be shared with other teammates and some Support weapons can be operated by 2 helldivers to increase their efficiency. 3

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