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Expendable Anti-Tank

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Expendable Anti-Tank.png

Expendable Anti-Tank is one of the Super Earth Flag.pngStratagems Weapons in Helldivers 2.

EAT-17 Expendable Anti-Tank is a single-use weapon specialized for damaging vehicle armor. Discarded after every use.

Expendable Anti-Tank Super Earth Flag.pngStratagem unlocks at lvl 3 player level and costs 3500 Requisition Points to unlock.

Expendable Anti-Tank Code[edit | edit source]

Expendable Anti-Tank Super Earth Flag.pngStratagem call down code consists of 5 buttons:

Arrow Down.png
Arrow Down.png
Arrow Left.png
Arrow Right.png

Expendable Anti-Tank Mechanics[edit | edit source]

Expendable Anti-Tank 3D.png

Expendable Anti-Tank is a heavy support Weapon that can pierce even the heavy armor. Its a good weapon to take care of otherwise hard to fight enemies.

Its effective against most heavy enemies and doing high damage to their weak points.

When called in pod will come with 2 Expendable Anti-Tank weapons.

Low Super Earth Flag.pngStratagem cooldown allow to spam this weapon and use it on every occasion when its needed.

Expendable Anti-Tank Stats[edit | edit source]

List of stats for the Expendable Anti-Tank Super Earth Flag.pngStratagem

Expendable Anti-Tank Stats and traits
Stat/Trait Value
Call-in Time 2 sec
Uses unlimited
Cooldown Time 70 sec
Ammo Capacity 1
Pentration/Ammunition Heavy Armor Penetrating
Magazines -
Reload time -
Magazine Replenish per Ammo box -
Trait Support Weapon
Trait Hellpod
Trait Explosive

Expendable Anti-Tank Tips and Tricks[edit | edit source]

Expendable Anti-Tank Drop.png

All the tips for Expendable Anti-Tank shared by the community. Feel free to add yours.

  • Expendable Anti-Tank when aimed properly can oneshot Charger.pngCharger or two shot Bile Titan.pngBile Titan making it great weapon for taking out Heavies in early and late game.
  • Since Expendable Anti-Tank have 2 weapons and cooldown of 60 sec with upgrades, it means that on average it can do one shot every 30s.
  • Call Expendable Anti-Tank all around the map, especially if team will go through the same area again.
  • If some helldivers in the team got defeated and lost their support weapons Expendable Anti-Tank is a great support to the team or a replacement support weapon.
  • Getting used to the Expendable Anti-Tank call in makes it possible to call its pod in the middle of the fight, potentially using it as additional weapon against heavies.
  • Crouching will increase accuracy if helldiver is trying to hit enemy weak point with Expendable Anti-Tank

Expendable Anti-Tank Upgrades[edit | edit source]

Its possible to uprade Expendable Anti-Tank Stratagem in the Ship Modules upgrades. Here is the list of the available upgrades for the Expendable Anti-Tank

Expendable Anti-Tank upgrade options
Upgrade Description Price
Streamlined Request Process Decreases Support Weapon stratagem cooldown by 10% 80 Common Sample.pngCommon Samples, 40 Rare Sample.pngRare Samples

Expendable Anti-Tank Additional Information[edit | edit source]

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