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Devastator Full.png
Light Armor
Body: Medium Armor
Arms: Medium Armor
Back: Medium Armor
Legs: Medium Armor
Enemy Data
Danger Level Low
Faction Automaton
Min Encounter Difficulty 1 (Trivial)
Ranged Attacks Yes
Movement Speed Medium

Devastator is a Automaton Enemy in Helldivers 2.

Devastator start spawning at Trivial difficulty and higher. But challenging and higher is where they can be seen more often.

Devastator uses a machine gun as a weapon.

Devastator Fighting Tips[edit | edit source]

Most Devastator are not a high threat for helldivers team, although when in big numbers they can become a serious threat. The exception is Rocket Devastator, because all rocket Automatons are extremely dangerous and can oneshot most of the helldivers.

  • Devastator head is a main vulnerability and can be destroyed with any weapon
  • If Rocket Devastator is spotted helldivers priority target should be taking it or its rocket pods out.

Devastator Variations[edit | edit source]

There are following spotted variations of Devastator in Helldivers 2:

Heavy Devastator[edit | edit source]

Heavy Devastator Uses same machine gun weapon as a normal variant, but carries a shield that protects most of it body. Shield is considered a heavy armor, so it cannot be penetrated with normal weapons.
Although Heavy Devastator do not have head being covered by the shield and can be easily dispatched by a well aimed shot.

Rocket Devastator[edit | edit source]

Rocket Devastator have rocket pods mounted on its shoulders and using it as a weapon. Those rockets can be lethal to the helldivers, therefore this variant should be a priority target.
Rocket pods can be damaged with any weapons and when destroyed will render Rocket Devastator useless.
Head is a weakpoint as with all other Devastators

Devastator Additional Information[edit | edit source]

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